Monday, October 27, 2014

Transfer are here again...already!

Elder Landon J Watkins Week 72
Week Six in Sisaket

Monday, October 27, 2014

Wow; can I first start off by saying…can you believe transfers are here already? This was a crazy-fast 6 weeks. When they say time just keeps going faster, I think it is true. I don't know why there is still only 24 hours in a day. I think it is just the fact of getting lost in the work and working so hard and focusing so much on other people. I never have time to just sit and look at myself and say; I'm bored because even if we aren't home, I'm always thinking about how are we going to help them get baptized or I need to fill out the area book or wow, we need to find new investigators.

I've been blessed with such a great companion this transfer too which makes time go even faster. Elder Mitchell is such a stud and works way hard. Honestly we have the weirdest area I've ever seen my whole mission. I did some work filling out the area book this morning and finally got it all caught up. I literally counted all the investigators and we have 12 investigators, it is unreal how many we have. The thing is we aren't getting any baptisms, it is so weird ha-ha! Everyone is just so new and we keep finding more investigators, but no one is really progressing because they are all busy with work, testing, and school so they have all been super busy. We got shut down hard a lot this week with appointments we were supposed to have. They all just fall through so we hardly got to teach at all. We are looking at our work and wondering what are we doing wrong? We are being super obedient, doing everything President Senior has asked us to do, but we are just getting slammed by people not answering their phones and things like that.

It was a pretty rough week because with us going to Khon Kaen we lost a couple of work days, but we worked hard and were diligent. So yesterday rolls around and we call all these people and we get hardly anyone committed to come to church and we have to have 2 people to get balanced key indicators so we are like, are you kidding me? Well we come to church and by 8:30 we already have 2 brand new investigators come, way awesome! They are good the only problem is one lives down in Bangkok and he just comes back sometimes to visit his wife, but the good thing is that his wife is a teacher at a school with one of our members so she already has friends in the church! This place is awesome though almost every person we find and comes to church has some sort of connection or friend to someone that is already a member.

We also had a girl named, Faa come she is only 14 though so she has to wait 3 months to get baptized.

As for the miracle though. We were so blessed by the Lord this week! This random person came into sacrament and she sat right next to me and our investigator Faa. I didn't know who she was, but she was wearing like church attire so I was like okay; well she is probably just a member because there are so many here that I don't really know everyone as well as I did in my other areas. I started talking to her and sure enough she isn't a member! She is a walk in! She is already a Christian too; she is 24 years old and  her name is Yui. She is way awesome. For the 3rd hour of church in priesthood they just watched the priesthood session of conference which we had already watched so we just took her into another room and taught her the Restoration and told her she needs to get baptized again. She is so ready, it is unreal. She accepted a date for Nov. 2 no questions asked, so we are going to be working with her a lot this week which is going to be hard but we can do it.

This is going to be a crazy week! We are not sure if we are going to transfers or not. I'm pretty sure my companion and I will stay together so I can finish his training. But I have to go renew my visa so I'm pretty sure that would be the reason I may go down to Bangkok. If I go I will have to leave Tuesday night and be there to get my visa on Wednesday then stay there until transfers on Thursday. So we will be losing a couple days of work this week but, I know we will just load up on Friday and Saturday with lessons! I'm way excited for these up and coming next couple of weeks…we are just going to start baptizing all of these people I can feel! Love you all so much.


Elder Landon J Watkins

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