Monday, January 26, 2015

New companion and Zone Leader in Roi Et!

Elder Landon J Watkins Week 85
Week Seven in Roi Et
Monday, January 26, 2015

Hey everyone, how's it going??

I'm doing pretty well; this was quite a wild last week for sure. Monday night around 10 o clock we got calls saying that everyone in our district was moving except Sister Woodbury, so 5 out of the 6 missionaries here. I got the call I was moving and I'm like, wow already? Then I told Elder Kris on the phone (who is AP) if I'm just moving up to be zone leader you better tell me so I don't pack. So on Tuesday we just had a regular day for the most part! Didn't have anything to special; I taught institute which was good, I'm not the biggest fan of doing it in Thai because the lessons are in English and the vocabulary is crazy, but I get the job done. It helps me learn a lot which is good, so I like that! We started saying goodbye to members and all that good stuff. Wednesday we spent most of our day packing and getting food with some members. So right now I'm thinking well I didn’t get a call from him or President so I must just be moving to a new area as district leader so I take all my stuff down to Bangkok and I'm talking to like Elder Crump and a few others and President called them to be ZL's so I'm like; oh I guess I'm just going to be DL somewhere new? Then Roi Et pops up and it says I'm ZL in Roi Et. I'm just like; what in the world!? Ha-ha so I talked to Elder Kris after and I’m like why didn't you tell me and he says; President said he was going to call you; but of course that didn't happen. So I took everything back to old Roi Et and now I'm companions with Elder Hill who is one group ahead of me! 
Sporting a new haircut...I need to tell him to clean the toothpaste of the mirror before he take his picture next time :)
Elder Hill is from Bountiful, Utah he is 21 years old and is actually a convert to the church. He was baptized at 14 and is the only member in his family! He's a nice guy he is just on transfer ahead of me so he will be headed home in April. So we are both new to being Zone Leaders as he also moved up from District leader so this is going to be a good, fun experience. It's cool though because every month we get to go down to Bangkok for Missionary Leadership Council so I will be able to eat some Carl's Jr. or McDonalds when I go down; lets gooo! I can always buy some American stuff too! A member went to Bangkok this week and said she'd bring me two boxes of Lucky Charms; man am I excited ha-ha!

Anyways though to make things interesting we had 5 new missionaries come back. The sisters are now in a tri-companionship and the two new elders. Elder Sukhan is training a new greenie. So we have the stuff of 6 missionaries going back to Roi Et because had I had all my stuff too. Anyways they couldn't put all our stuff on the bus so we had to send our bikes up later. So Friday and Saturday we couldn't work much like we wanted because we didn’t have our bikes; it was alright though we got some decent work done.
Landon with his new companion Elder Hill at Michael's Baptism
Yesterday we had a baptism! Since we moved into the Zone Leaders area they had an investigator named Michael that we taught and we got baptize him on Sunday. It was way good! We had 114 people at church yesterday and 30 RCs it is the most RCs we've had at church since I've been here! Oh and then to make things more interesting old Bangkok sent some bike tires that were suppose to go to another Elders areas to us and when the sisters picked up their bikes they took them home. I told them just leave them since they weren't ours so we ended up having to grab those last night and take them back to the bus station and get them sent off to the other Elders. Quite the busy, crazy week that was for sure!
Dream and Ton's Baptism
Anyways that is really all we have. Our Zone had a Zone Goal of 20 baptisms this month and our district had 10; so that was awesome! The picture of the baptism from last week is a kid named Dream and Ton! They were the sister’s investigators, but I had helped to teach them once and had interviewed both of them so they chose me to baptize them; so I did!

Hope you all have a good week!

Elder Landon J Watkins

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