Monday, February 2, 2015

Farmer Watkins...Planting Watermelons!

Elder Landon J Watkins Week 86
Week Eight in Roi Et
Monday, February 02, 2015

Hey Everyone!

Well this was quite the last week it was pretty good too for the most part!

So to start off first thing on Tuesday morning a member picked us up and took us out to his farm and we prepared the land so he could plant watermelons. We got the ground wet, dug the holes, put in fertilizer and compost and then turned up the soil. It was some good work and a fun time! I sent some pictures of some of water buffalos in the field and of me watering the ground with the giant water cans ha-ha! It was a fun time. We are actually going out again tomorrow to help him catch fish. They drain the pond of water so it's just super muddy and then we just go around grabbing fish and throwing them in buckets from what I understand it should be awesome and a good time so hopefully I can get some pictures of that for ya. It was some good service. The member  we helped is 78 years old and his health isn't the greatest so being a farmer is really hard on him so we really lifted his burden by helping him out! 

On Wednesday the AP's came up here for a switch off which was way good and fun! The AP's right now are both Thai; the first time ever, but they are so good! They both speak English really well. I went with Elder Thanawat who is a really nice guy and we had a blast teaching and finding new investigator; it was a good day.

Friday was pretty good too! President Senior and Sister Senior came up to Roi Et and gave a few areas in our zone a special training! They really emphasized bearing our testimony more often about Jesus Christ because we are representatives of Jesus Christ! Also they put a huge stress on Family History so that is why I'm asking you guys for all the pictures and information. Now we are supposed to help every new RC sign up for Family Search and have them start filling out the “My Family” booklet. So I have to finish mine first before I can have anyone else to do you theirs. So I've been working on mine really hard trying to make it good. I just need some more pictures and filling out some memories which will be the hardest part for me.

We also met with two new investigators this week Ern and Aah that Elder Hill found at Big C. We also ran into them at the park with a friend named Air who just so happens to be a member and is studying in Russia, but is back for a week. She is the District Presidents daughter here in Roi Et. Both of the girls are her best friend so they are really being fellowshipped it's so awesome! We worked with them and they came to church Sunday! Ern is way good and will most likely be baptized this Sunday we hope, but Aah is a little stubborn and hasn’t accepted a date, but we are working for her to be baptized this Sunday too; so pray for them!

This was a really fun week though! Sunday we had 3 investigators in sacrament but we also had 4 other people show late after sacrament was over. Three of them were black people from Cameroon! I don't know how interested they were, but we had some more come who could be pretty good, hopefully we can meet with today, at least that is the plan! We had 108 people at church with 27 Recent Converts in Sacrament, so not too bad! The work is progressing, but right now the rest of our zone is struggling. We are going to Bangkok this week for Mission Leadership Council so when we get back we will be going around training the districts in our zone and can get them pumped up and working hard!

That’s all I've got for this week; hope you all have a good one!

Elder Landon J Watkins

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