Salam Aidilfitri,
Hope everything is going good. Well I’ll start off with that I have now had 2 Dr. Peppers and awe man they tasted amazing I don't even know how to describe it other than awesomenya. So this last week was pretty awesome between teaching people and Aidilfitri. We got invited to a home for it and man was it some good food. It was the home of Fiza and her family, she works for Sister Mei and she invited us over for it. They basically just finished Ramadan and that is what Aidilfitri is… celebrating the end of it. So they give people food and money then ask everyone for forgiveness from everyone. Salam Aidilfitri minta maaf dan binat (apologize). So everywhere has been pretty vacant since everyone is balik kampong (behind the village).
So this last week we taught Ivy and Wanda from Sabah. They are super cool and they came to church and really hit it off with Sister Darleyn who is also from Sabah. So things are going great with them. We taught them the Plan of Salvation and they are super pumped to be learning so much and to be able to come to church. The bad thing is Eder wasn't at church this Sunday since he was at the Young Adults Convention…so low and behold I had to translate and of course it was all crazy topics about Zion etc, and I had no idea how to translate it… ayo so hard and I was having a heart attack the whole time just praying they understood me and that they were able to feel the spirit ha-ha. They also made us some way good food on Monday, they are super awesome and love to belajar (study) the bible as they say it ha-ha... They are super awesome and super funny. And the best part is that it is not too hard to check up on them cause their our neighbors ha-ha.
One awesome thing that happened this last week is finally Maria accepted a baptism date for October 3rd WOOHOO... yesterday I asked her if she knew if these things are true and went over the interview questions then said, will you get baptized... then she thought and thought some more then said, yes and We all cheered and gave out high fives and she said, I know I am not perfect but, I know after baptism I will have to continue to repent and so we talked about repentance and everything went well.
We've also been teaching Jhenny which is Yanti's cousin’s sister’s daughter or something like that. She came to church last week and she is awesome. We’ve taught her twice now and challenged her to baptism. She said she is thinking about it and would like to do it but, her wants to discuss it with Yanti before, which is good because Yanti is awesome. So she is set for October 24 but, it’s just a soft date for now but, this Saturday she'll tell us for sure.
We also have Devid and Aasis they are also super cool our security guards at our building from Nepal. They are cool and are working towards baptism now on October 10th, as long as all goes to plan with coming to church since they work 2 weeks morning sift and 2 weeks night. But, they are awesome and it’s also easy to see how they’re doing cause we seem them every day and they say HEY BROTHER!!! Ha-ha they are sweet. They even tell people about church, like in this story. We went to go to church and Devid asked us if an Indonesian guy called and I said; no, he said hmm maybe he forgot but, he gave our number to a guy who wanted to come to church. About 10 minutes later low and behold the man called, I told him how to get to church and he and his whole family came to church. They are here on vacation from Jakarta, Indonesia :) so it was super awesome.
Other than that everyone is doing awesome and we keep finding awesome people every day, like yesterday I found a Catholic man from Iraq and he was awesome and of course first thing he asked me is how many wives I can have ha-ha. But, funny story Indonesian don't like Dr. Pepper btw and they are way fun to play Jenna Blocks with ha-ha… we had a family home evening with them and Eder and it was awesome ha-ha. Today we are going ice skating so I’ll let you know how it goes next week.
Elder Watkins
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